SHORT FILM: Wisdom Weavers of the World

Thirteen Indigenous Elders from around the world come together to co-create a message for humankind, weaving wisdom of diverse cultures and lifeways, uncovering one common thread: for humanity to survive, we must shift our consciousness from the mind to the heart.

The Elders gathered for four days in council and ceremony on the island of Kaua’i, Hawai’i in November 2017, to remember and weave the wisdom of the original instructions on how to live as real human beings in harmony with the Earth and all Earth relatives.

In this time of great uncertainty, the Elders are calling all of humanity back home to the heart.

The film is a gateway into ongoing connection with Elders & people of like mind and heart around the world– sign up for our newsletter on our website to join our global family and join us for virtual gatherings — talking circles, elders wisdom shares — inspirational content, future films & videos, and collaborations with organizations of like mind & heart.

“Wisdom Weavers of the World” is produced by Academy and Emmy Award Winning Producer, Jeffrey D Brown – Medicine Wheel Films. Filmed and Edited by Daniel “El Suchi” Garcia with support from extended film crew.

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