SHORT FILM: Waoranis. Survivors of the Ecuadorian Jungle (Ecuador)

The Kemperi Clan, a group of the Waorani culture that have returned home to the Amazon jungle in Ecuador, after being confined in reserves by missionaries and the government 30 years ago. The everyday life of the family, the hunting, the natural building, the spirituality. Still fighting to maintain their land and ancient traditions, theirs is a story in the border between our modern world and the origins of human culture.

Film & cut by Hernan Vilchez.

Produced by Kabopro Films for Blue Eyes & Sat 1, Germany, in September 2012 at Bameno, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador.

Additional music:
“Los Pastores” Mixtape (Chancha vía Circuito)
“Duranibai – Cantos de la Tradición Waorani” (Asociación de mujeres Waorani de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana)

Special thanks to Franziska Müller, Stephanie Calame and Fernando from Latitud 0 Tours (Quito) for their help in this jungle production.



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