Urgent Support for Caucho Community – Covid19 Fund 0

Dear people of the world,

We the Txana Huya family are writing this message to our friends national and international to support us during this time of necessity of isolation to save our lives, of our elders and youth. We are part of the 180 families in the indigenous lands of Igarape Caucho, in Acre Brazil who are in need of immediate support during this time.

Our family group ‘Txana Huya’ consists of 22 Huni Kuin families, that take part in this important initiative to protect the lives of our community. The Covid-19 has arrived in Tarahuaca, and we will need to stay away from the city to protect our people.

We are asking for a min of 4500 US$ for all 22 families (130 people) for one month of isolation.
A family consists of 5-8 people.

Through the support of food supplies and hygiene products, we will be able to stay strong during this pandemic. We would like to be in isolation at least for 2-3 months if we find enough support.

We are very grateful for any of the support you can give as it gives us hope that we are looked after during these times. This gives us the strength to continue this fight against this pandemic.

Please send you donations via Paypal info@theboafoundation.org
Or for direct international direct deposit:
The Boa Foundation
Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-76-90
Account: 30480657
Swift: BUKBGB22
Thank you for your support and solidarity in this unprecedented and uncertain times.
Haux Haux
The Txana Huya family
Acre, Brazilian Amazon people

Message and prayer from Txana Huya Family:

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