Global Justice and Healing Commission for the Amazon- Friday 25th of June 0

Beloved Relatives of our Entire Human Family,  


These are auspicious times. World Unity Week ( ) is an auspicious moment to further ignite the flames for healing, transformation and Peace!  This is the first anniversary of the Union of the Condor, Quetzal, and Eagle.  Thus, this is the most auspicious time, most appropriate time to begin the work of the new Global Justice and Healing Commission.


The Commission understands our work is urgent, both to shine a light on the human rights violations and violence experienced by Indigenous peoples, as well as, to enlighten a just, clear, unified, and strong path forward for healing, conciliation and peace. 
The Global Commission is dedicated to ensuring the just, illumined, participation and leadership of the Indigenous peoples of Abya Yala in manifesting the Enlightenment of our Human Family, as promised. 


We, the Commissioners of the Global Justice and Healing Commission acknowledge and honor that the voices of our human family first need to be heard! We will be listening to our brothers and sisters, documenting their truths and amplifying their voices!


We are inviting the Indigenous Nations to give testimony, witness, and possible recommendations on the path forward together.  We will hear first from the Amazon and then other nations as they choose to be heard. 


The hearing will take place on Friday June 25th at 12 EST time via Zoom Global Fire Ceremony Room.
We ask you to be mindful of your time when participating. Also know that this will be livestreamed so if you need to conceal your identity make sure to change your name in the Zoom call and turn your camera off. 


For more information please contact us at


Chairperson-Global Commission, Elder, Bob Watts, Mohawk, and Ojibway,  Six Nations, Canada
Global Commissioner, Elder, Ejna Fleury, Hunkpapa, Ihanktonwan, Miniconjou, and Oglala Nations
Global Commissioner- Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation, Six Nations
Global Commissioner- Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. , Ihanktonwan and Chickasaw Nations








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