Good news has come from the jungle, from the Yuruparí nation (Colombia) 72

This year, fear, anguish, courage, bravery and many other experiences and human feelings have reached the ears of the inhabitants of that area of ​​the Amazon. The COVID19 virus is advancing and people in the jungle are always thinking ahead, thinking of anticipating what is to come. Faced with an ‘enemy’ as powerful as that virus, from the tradition and spirituality of these indigenous peoples, the only thing they have much power to face it with is the sacred ritual of Yuruparí. This ritual, which overflows in many ways, as it is a universe that is almost difficult to explain, for many hundreds of years has been carried out with dedication and devotion with all the rigor and discipline that it implies, to such an extent that many have preferred to distance themselves or not participate because of how hard, serious and delicate it is.

But this year, everything changed. The generations of men who for many years had been estranged, this year have decided to attend the most important ritual, seeing that this virus has already made its first arrival in Tabatinga and possibly Leticia. The news says that this week the sacred rituals began in various rivers. Apaporis, Mirití, Pira, Papurí, Vaupés, Caño Ti, Tiquié, Negro, Bajo Caquetá, Japurá, all doing their sacred ritual again. Many young and old participating. Many for the first time, others after many years. In the end, a joint force connecting with the roars of the world, with the sounds of the planet.

Now, from the jungle, as well as in other latitudes of the planet, groups of human beings are in physical and spiritual works to purify the planet, to clean the totumas (sacred cups) and the benches of the guardians the air, of the rains, of the animals, of the rays and many beings, people, nations that we inhabit here. the rays and many beings, people, nations that we inhabit here.

Repost: Jeisson Castillo – Insta @jeissoncastilloart .

#amazonas #jaguar #onça #panteraonca #jungle #yurupari #yurupary #drawing #draw #contemporaryart #colombianart #amazonart #latinamericanartist #earth #madre

One thought on “Good news has come from the jungle, from the Yuruparí nation (Colombia)

  1. Indigenous healing of our Mother has begun! So much healing can come together. Some times old knowledge can be the answer for new illness. 100 years ago a treatment and prevention was taught in Every USA Medical School. The Mayo Clinic Newsletter described this….put a dropper full of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in your ear canal and let it stay until no bubbles form, then do the other ear. The Medical Schools taught to do this at least once per day , Every time you go out in public for protection, and as often as needed if you feel sickness coming. You absorb the Hydrogen Peroxide through your ear and white blood cells retrieve it. Hydrogen Peroxide is made in your Neutrophils ( white blood cells) in your lungs, Thyroid, and gut. This is called Oxidative Burst, and Oxidation destroys virus ability to attach to cells. Also
    Oxidation reverse mutates the virus so first no longer can go person to person then reverse mutates so can not infect any thing except original animal. Natural Oxidation in people is what ended SARS, MERS, Swine Flu and they disappeared. Putting Hydrogen Peroxide in your ears , or Dr. Mercola OD says for a cough, put Hydrogen Peroxide in a nebulizer, or spray mist and inhale….provide a Super turbo boost to Neutrophils to Oxidize the virus and can end the pandemic. I tried it on myself. IT WORKS! I Am 46 days in isolation since last symptom. Each time any symptom tried to start, by the time I put Hydrogen Peroxide in second ear that symptom left and never returned…Pink Eye took two days of treatment. It Works! I am 73, history of multiple pneumonias every winter most of life, with other health issues.
    I never got a cough although it tried…. Never got sick.

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