Amazon’s Huni Kuin Fire Emergency Reponse 67

The fires that have been occurring in the Amazon has also affected the Huni Kuin people. The Huwã Karu Yuxibu center, located in Rio Branco, the Acre capital, was one of the victims of the fire.

Located on the AC 90 highway, kilometer 36, Ramal da Goiabeira, the Huwã Karu Yuxibu Center is a center for culture, spirituality and traditional medicine research. The site works to strengthen the indigenous cultural identity of the Huni Kuin people and exchange between indigenous and non-indigenous people.

“It is a land that we bought, we have a total of 10 hectares. The place was created in order to stimulate the feeling of belonging Huni Kuî by indigenous people in a situation of social vulnerability. Seeking the strengthening of identities, cultural and territorial, the exchange of Huni Kuî medicine research. We received an average visit of 50 people at each meeting at the Center. Six families with about 25 people, including children, young people, adults and the elderly, live in the community, ”said Mirna do Rosário, one of the members of the Center.

The Center had 50% of its green area set on fire, including part of the fields, from where the food of the families living there comes. In addition, the wood benefited for the construction of dwelling houses and the hose of the provisional water supply system were also damaged.

“Our center has been destroyed. We are being brutally attacked. All our land, all our planting, everything, everything burned. We are back to zero. We ask for support from outreach and unity to the world, to combat this destruction, this persecution of life, against the Amazon that is the life of humanity, “vented the indigenous Mapu HuniKuin, chief and spiritual leader of the Center.

Now the Center needs to be rebuilt! Some punctual actions need to be done urgently.

• Short term:

– Food for families resident in the Center;

– Drinking water for families living in the Center;

– Well construction;

– Water tank installation:

– Implementation of water supply system;

– Construction of irrigation system

• Long term:

– Planting tree seedlings and mowing.

National Donations:

International donations for this and other Huni Kuin related causes:


Video fom Mapu Huni Kuin sharing the Centro Huwa Karu Yuxibu back in April 2019 (Portuguese)

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