ANIMATION: 68 Voices: Purépecha (Mexico)

The Virgin of Health and White Fish of Michoacán
Many years ago, Mr. Vasco de Quiroga have us two great gifts: the first hospital of Michoacán and alongside it the Virgin of Health, patroness of Pátzcuaro.
From the start, the Virgin brought about so many miracles that they wanted to share it with others.

During the ceremonies, maidens from nearby islands carried and accompanied her for a lengthy amount of time and during their return home, while they asked the Virgin to shield and to never forget them, thousands of fish jumped over the canoe with the image of the Virgin on their forehead, etched by the sun.

It is for this reason that today if you pay close attention, you can still see the Virgin present in the white fish from Michoacán.This is a worldly unique species and it is our duty to care for them.

That’s how we Purépechas tell the story.Locución: Angélica Agustín Diego
Traducción: Angélica Agustín Diego

Dirección: Gabriela Badillo
Ilustración: Enrique Sañudo
Animador: Hola Combo / Enrique Sañudo
Adaptación: Gabriela Badillo
Música original: Igor Figueroa
Diseño de audio: Igor Figueroa
Coordinador de producción: Brenda Orozco
Duración: 1.00 min
Una producción de Hola Combo, Canal Once, INALI, CDI
Año de producción 2017

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