SHORT FILM: Mamo Lorenzo Izquierdo and CAAENOCANM invite the Integration of the Original Peoples.

In 2016, a meeting was held in Sasaima, Colombia, where 60 representatives of different tribes and 120 elders came together for the first time. This was an unprecedented event. In this meeting, the importance, necessity, and the urgency to create an alliance between indigenous groups of Colombia and the world, was established. The goal of this alliance is to strengthen, safeguard and recover their ancestral knowledge and to get recognition on the authority that they have as protectors of the environment. With this purpose, they created a representative organisation called CAAENOCANM, Confederation of Ancestral Authorities of the Original Nations from Colombia, Native America. Together with Mamo Lorenzo and other elders, we will undertake a journey to document and stimulate the dialogue between different ethnicities for the growth and expansion of the Confederation.

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