Huni Kui General Assembly 93

From May 21 to 25, 2019, the Fifth Huni Kui Association General Assembly was held in Rio Branco,  Acre, Brazil in order to elect the new board and to plan strategies to guide governance actions to protect their rights, protect forests and their territories from threats imposed by the current social-political context. A total of 350 people attended, including Huni Kui leaders (elders, men, women and youth from the Upper Rio Purus, Marechal Thaumaturgo, Jordão, Feijó and Tarauacá regions), governmental organizations from the state of Acre and Federal, organizations from other countries, researchers , FEPHAC technical team and leadership of other invited peoples, including the Mapuche of Chile. During the event, five guiding axes were worked: Huni Kui Representations; Culture and Spirituality, Territory and the Environment, Huni Kui Education; Health Huni Kuĩ; Economy and Sustainability.

In the course of the meetings, the leaders spoke about the problems of each region, such as questions about education and health that have not adequately addressed the needs of the communities, discussed the Huni Kui protocol that systematizes the entry of non-indigenous and indigenous people from other people in the Huni Kui territories, whether for ethnic tourism, research or other activities, also talked about documenting the Huni Kui who travel to other states and countries, as well as procedures for preserving culture and protecting the integrity of the people, all protocols were approved by the plenary. There were also projects presented by partners and researchers with analysis of the leadership and the deliberative council with FEPHAC, which was oriented to monitor the execution of each approved project, are: Neuroscientific research of Nixi Pae (Ayahuasca); Pesquisa Daú / Phytotherapeutic medicine in the village of São Joaquim, with the assembly of the production laboratory, in partnership with several research institutions; Authorization of the publication of the CDs recorded by the artists Inká kurú, Isariwê and Ayani; International Eskawata Kayawai Festival with support from APOTI; Ethno tourism in Huni Kui territories; Creation of the fashion line with the project ECOMODA HUNI KUI produced by the women of the territory Praia do Carapanã, municipality of Tarauacá. 

There were also projects presented by partners and researchers with analysis of the leaderships and the deliberative council with FEPHAC, which was oriented to monitor the execution of each approved project. Some of the selcted projects include: Neuroscientific research of Nixi Pae (Ayahuasca); Pesquisa Daú / Phytotherapeutic medicine in the village of São Joaquim, with the assembly of the production laboratory, in partnership with several research institutions; Authorization of the publication of the CDs recorded by the artists Inká kurú, Isariwê and Ayani; International Eskawata Kayawai Festival with support from APOTI; Ethno tourism in Huni Kui territories; Creation of the fashion line with the project ECOMODA HUNI KUI produced by the women of the territory Praia do Carapanã, municipality of Tarauacá. By approving the presentations of the results of the thematic axes for the construction of the Huni Kui Political Plan, which they considered essential to protect their identity, forests, territories and rights. They have also decided to continue exchanges with nawás (non-indigenous), provided that the rights, spaces, culture and way of life are respected. Finally, they believe that they can reconcile modernization with their culture and way of life, the Huni Kui have been seeking to return to their original tradition, before colonization and still seek to move in the current century with all technologies and development, seeking to unify both movements to that they may live a dignified life, with more tranquility, security and founded on the traditions of their people. –

The Huni Kui People’s Federation of the State of Acre – FEPHAC, NUKUN HUNI KUINEN BEYA XARABU TSUMASHUN EWAWA, headquartered in Rio Branco Capital – AC, created in 2006 has the mission of defending rights, seeking unification, strengthening, development and sustainability , to protect its cultural and immaterial assets and territories, congregating 104 villages that are distributed in 12 territories that occupy five municipalities (Alto Purus river, Marechal Thaumaturgo, Jordão, Feijó and Tarauacá, besides the associations and basic organization.) The FEPHAC is composed by a fully Huni Kui Board of Directors with President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Deliberative and Fiscal Council, six coordinations and technical advisors, the latter being composed of indigenous and / or non-indigenous technicians with training and experience in the required areas.

Video by Bem-te-vi Productions


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