Soy Barí introduces us to his large family group and the everyday life of these natural peoples from the Peruvian Amazon Basin, living like the Inka taught them thousands of years ago by the shores of the Piski River, at the feet of the mythical Blue Mountains. They have conserved to the present day the art of curing with herbs (they are the people who have dominated the mastery of the ayahuasca purges), making pottery without ovens, weaving natural cotton, embroidering with unique designs, and a rich cultural background of traditional chanting. This rich heritage is now endangered by the expansion of the modern world in their shrinking territory.
Local producers Martín Ccorisapra, Freddy Zevallos, Percy Linares
Music by the Women at Colonia Nuevo Edén & Chancha Vía Circuito
Production date: September 2012.
Film & Cut by Kabopro Films
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Love blessings light.
I went to a shipibo familie in 2017.
Love and miss the people sacred plants and animals.
Hope to visit them again.
Need a money miracle for that
I believe in miracles