CORTO FILM: No more inactive (Canada)


Heather Archibald was a foster social activist and child who died. His strong words are honored in this film, demanding a change in the attitude of the Natives Act in Canada. Ginger Cété wants his spirit and message to be remembered for generations to come.


DirectorGinger Cote in collaboration with the Wapikoni CameraShaynah Decontie team, Emilie Baillargeon, Marie-Cecile Dietlin EditingGinger, Cote, Marie-Cecile Dietlin Sound RecordingShaynah Decontie, Keith Whiteduck, Emilie Baillargeon, Marie-Cecile Dietlin Filmmakers MentorsEmilie Baillargeon, Marie-Cecile Dietlin Young Outreach Worker Keith Whiteduck, Shaynah Decontie Local Coordinator

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